Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jackson: One month old

It's hard to believe Jackson's been in our lives for a month already. He's grown so much already (no exact stats yet until our appointment on Friday).

At one month you are:

  • Just starting to grow out of your newborn clothes. Anything footed is too small, but most of the onesies still fit.
  • Are breast and bottle feeding. You like to eat every two hours during the day and on a rare occasion will go as long as 6 hours at night.
  • Just starting to smile when you hear your mommy and daddy's voices
  • Starting to get more on a schedule. You usually take a morning, afternoon, and after dinner nap. Bedtime is usually sometime between 10 to 11pm. You're awake and ready to start the day by 7am.
  • Refuse to sleep in your cradle. Your best sleep gets done in your bouncer or on mommy.
  • Have already taken a road trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ballman, Great Grandma Ballman, Aunties Steph, Stacey, and Heather, Uncle Jeff and cousins Ben and Lauren.
  • Hate bath time and having your diaper changed.

Jackson, you have brought so much joy to your family already. We love you so much!


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