Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions

So like a lot of people I make New Year's Resolutions and I tend to do a pretty poor job at keeping them.  I'm going to share my goals for the year and try to keep myself going by updating my progress weekly. 

1.  Lose 15 pounds.  This should be something I can achieve since it is only a little over a pound a month.  I'm going to achieve this by drinking more water and less diet coke.  I'd love to give up the diet coke completely, but I'm just not there yet.  I also will try to limit myself to healthy snacks.

2.  Save for a February 2015 Disney trip. 

3.  Finish atleast 12 craft projects  (stretch goal of 24). 

4.  Clean and declutter all closets in the house. 

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